Sunday, March 8, 2020 essays essays After observing a film that attempted to portray the legacy of Christopher Columbus, I have reached my own personal conclusions regarding his achievements, or, more appropriately, misadventures. Although it is true Columbus initiated an exchange of education in matters of foods, cultures, languages and wars, the means by which he was able to obtain wealth while westernizing the new world can hardily be considered appropriate or praiseworthy. Driven by his lust for new resources, land, power and wealth, Columbus was both ruthlessly ambitious and overly determined. So much so, that upon his arrival at San Salvador, he refused to believe the aboriginals when they revealed he arrived on an island. In his ignorance he continued to believe he was in Asia, addressing them as Indians. Being that Columbus was not of noble blood, he had to convince Ferdinand and Isabella his trip would profit them, creating empty promises to discover back door route to the riches of Asia Cathay. With these claims he gained support from the monarchs, while he also received religious backing from the Catholic Church by using religion as a guise to pursue his greedy desires. It is extremely ironic that Columbus manages to gain sponsorship from the two super-powers of his era, Church and state. His tactics werent all that conventional; one only needs to look to the past to see where he gained his insight. Time and time again leaders achieved their wealth by stripping it from the poor of the land by treachery and deceit (indulgences, for example) and by cruelly raising taxes on the serfs (poor of the land) and extracting more money through the cruelties of the feudal system. Columbus merely mimicked past victories in hopes to of achieving his pursuit of wealth and power. Columbus' greed was obviously a motivating factor as he was promised not only profit, but also the title of, 'Admiral.' ...